Reading Skills Third Nine Weeks
Common Core Standards: RL1.2, RF1.2c, L1.2b, RL1.5, RL1.9, RF1.2b, RI1.5, RI1.4, RI1.8, RI1.2, RI1.6
I can identify the theme of a story.
I can distinguish between fiction and non-fiction texts.
I can compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in a story.
I can compare and contrast information from two texts on the same topic.
I can identify text features.
I can ask and answer questions to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
I can use reasons to support points in a story.
I can determine Author's Purpose.
I can use illustrations and details in a story to determine beginning, middle and end.
I can distinguish between information provided by illustrations and text.
I can read words with long a, long i, long u, long e, and long o.
I can read words with long vowel teams.
I can write complete and compound sentences.
I can identify the different types of sentences.
I can use correct capitalization and punctuation when I write.
I can add endings to words (s, es, ed, ing, er, est).
I can use suffixes correctly.
I can use prefixes correctly.
I can decode one, two, and three syllable words.
I can distinguish between fiction and non-fiction texts.
I can compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in a story.
I can compare and contrast information from two texts on the same topic.
I can identify text features.
I can ask and answer questions to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
I can use reasons to support points in a story.
I can determine Author's Purpose.
I can use illustrations and details in a story to determine beginning, middle and end.
I can distinguish between information provided by illustrations and text.
I can read words with long a, long i, long u, long e, and long o.
I can read words with long vowel teams.
I can write complete and compound sentences.
I can identify the different types of sentences.
I can use correct capitalization and punctuation when I write.
I can add endings to words (s, es, ed, ing, er, est).
I can use suffixes correctly.
I can use prefixes correctly.
I can decode one, two, and three syllable words.